The Spirit Gives Life
It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63
Focus on Christ
What would it be like to have a body of flesh without a soul? A physical body without a spirit has no spiritual purpose. There would be no experience of real love or joy, kindness or gentleness, just reactions to the physical world around you.
If Christ only used His fleshly body as a human to attempt to provide salvation, then it would have been incomplete. His physical body is not what gives life, it is His Spirit that gives life, Without the Holy Spirit, you would not know how to experience the things of God, because they are outside the limits of a physical body.
Notice that Jesus said, “The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” His message was spiritual in nature. If you are to understand spiritual things, then you must use spiritual terms. You cannot know the things of God without God’s Spirit guiding and teaching you. Only as you abide in Christ and His Words abide in you will you understand the real issues of life.
Focus on Self
Do you depend on the Holy Spirit to guide, teach, and give you instructions of how to live for Christ? Or do you depend on human senses to try to interpret the spiritual life? If you depend on self, then you will be limited to only knowing things about physical events on this earth. When you deny self, take up your cross, and follow Jesus, you will understand things outside of the physical realm. Living by human intelligence alone is limited, short-sighted, and shallow. Dive into the deep things of God, which is what real life is all about.