A Pure Heart
Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit, in sincere love of the brethren, love one another reverently with a pure heart. 1 Peter 1:22
Focus on Christ
How does a believer purify their soul so that true love permeates their heart?
Purity of the soul requires obeying the truth in the Spirit from a loving sincere heart.
You will never be purified by human devotion. Purity requires the Holy Spirit to guide your mind in the Word so that you learn to enjoy obedience.
An incredible benefit of obeying God is that you learn the Love of God. This love allows you to have a pure, undefiled love for other believers.
Loving another person with this kind of pure heart can only come from a person who is obeying the truth through the Spirit and practicing holy living. If your life is pure, then your love will be pure.
Focus on Self
Selfish love seeks its own benefits. Selfish love thinks it deserves special treatment. If you focus on this kind of love, then you will be very lonely. Pure love seeks the best for others. It is never satisfied with mediocracy. This love does not seek its own but focuses on finding ways of doing good, praying for, and blessing others.