Jesus, Our High Priest
For such a High Priest was fitting for us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and has become higher than the heavens… Hebrews 7:26
Focus on Christ
Can you imagine having to be the representative to God for all the people on the earth? Do you think you qualify for such a position? The job description calls for a sinless person who died after living a perfect life and then was raised from the dead. There is no one who can meet those qualifications except for Jesus Christ.
Look at the details of the requirements. Christ is holy. To be holy meanest be sinless, spotless, faultless, guiltless, unblemished, and uncorrupted. Christ also was harmless. That means that He was blameless and innocent. He was undefiled, pure, and sincere. His holiness far exceeds any created being on earth or in heaven.
This perfect and holy Savior is the One who is High Priest. He is at the right hand of the Father in heaven, making intercession for you. Jesus prays to the Father on your behalf. How great is it to know that you have a perfect Savior who has your best interest at heart?
Christians have a holy, harmless, and undefiled Savior Jesus Christ!
Focus on Self
What can self do to represent itself to God? Self cannot present any works, attitudes, or service that would be acceptable to God. Only Christ living in you gives you the right to become a child of God. Take time to thank God for giving you such a High Priest who loves you so much that He desires an eternal relationship with you.