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A House Built by God

For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God. Hebrews 3:4

Focus on Christ

Have you ever watched a house being built? A house is not like planting a seed and watching it grow. It does not grow; it is built. Christ is the One who builds the church. House here represents the family of God. The builder of the house is more important than the house. God is the architect and designer; Jesus is the builder; and believers are the servants of God.

Only God through Christ can build the church. Many want to take credit for building a large church, but they cannot. Only God can build things that have a spiritual foundation, whatever man says he has built is not the true church.

Spirit-filled believers are not interested in building their own kingdom. True believers want God to work through them by Christ’s Spirit to produce a spiritual-based church in which only God can receive the glory. He knows what He wants to build and will choose the right laborers for the job.

Focus on Self

Self wants to receive recognition for what it can accomplish. God is not interested in sharing His Glory. When you die to self and live in Christ, others will see evidence of it. When others see what you have done, they should be saying, “Look what God did through that person!” It is much more fulfilling to live in a house built by God than in a house built by human hands.